Bunts Lane felling is due to ash dieback; replanting will follow

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John Wilding of Clinton Devon Estates has written to a local resident: ‘I confirm that the recent felling at Bunts Lane is ash dieback related.

The plan details the areas where we have had to fell diseased ash close to Bunts Lane and Couchill. Most of the work was undertaken two years ago, and has been replanted.

Bunts lane had a stay of execution as the dieback was slower to progress here; we took some badly infected trees out of the New Beer Road /  Bunts lane junctions three years ago, which helped, however the disease situation change last year and the time to intervein, before the trees became lethal to both road users and the felling team who undertake the work arrived this winter.

I appreciate it is a change but can assure you the site will quickly heal as full light reinvigorates the ground flora, at least for a few years before trees once again close in. As the area becomes a thicket a whole range of different wildlife will benefit compared to the ash and sycamore pole stage stand that has been worked.

We do plan to replant but it is unlikely to be this spring as I am unable to source plants this late in the season – we have been seriously delayed due to the need for and delay in getting the road closure. Replanting will now be undertaken next winter when a mixture of cherry, sycamore and oak. The sycamore and oak are unlikely to grow to maturity, due to the ravages of Grey squirrel and long term the woodland is likely to become a cherry wood, fortunately cherry is largely left alone by Grey squirrel!

Thank you for your interest and I understand your reaction to this change. I have no doubt that local wildlife will seize the opportunity and the increased diversity will quickly be a net gain for Bunts lane.’

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